How to Use

League of Legends Script Installation Guide:

To ensure a smooth installation process, please follow the instructions below:

1. Disable the Discord overlay before running the script. To disable the Discord overlay, simply go to the Discord settings and navigate to the "Overlay" section. From there, toggle the switch to turn off the overlay.

2. If you have an antivirus or malware protection, it is recommended that you uninstall it. If you have Windows Defender, you must disable it with DefenderControl.

3. Tick the "Prefer the old DX9 Legacy Mode" option in the Game section of the League of Legends Client settings. This is necessary to run the script properly. For instructions, please refer to this video.

4. Install AIO Runtimes and download the latest version of LolScript from our Discord Channel.

5. Extract the WinRar file into a folder on the same disk drive as your League of Legends installation. This could be the D drive, E drive, or C drive, depending on where you have installed the game.

6. Run LolScript.exe and enter the key you purchased from our store into the loader.

7. If you see the time remaining on your key when you click the "OK" button, congratulations, everything is now set up properly! To test the script's functionality, we recommend launching into a practice tool and trying out the different features.

8. If you encounter a key error, please delete the space at the end of the key and try again.

9. Note that if the script is active in the game, the loader will close itself. You must open the loader each time before entering a new game.

10. If you encounter any issues during the installation or setup process, please create a support ticket on our Discord Channel.

Additional Notes:

- Any rune programs can cause crash problems. It is recommended that you uninstall all rune programs except for OP.GG, which is compatible with our script.

- The script is only compatible with Windows 10 and Windows 11.

Key Bindings:

- Left Shift: This key is used to access the script's menu.

- Space: Pressing this key will activate the script's combo mode.

- V: This key is used to activate the script's corridor cleaning feature.

- C: Pressing this key will activate the script's poke the enemy function.

- X: Use this key to activate the script's minion final strike feature.

- K: Pressing this key will turn the script's auto evade function on or off.


- Evade: This function helps you dodge spells directed at you by your opponents.

- Prediction: Predicts the trajectory of enemy characters, making it easier to hit them with skills.

- OrbWalker: Helps with last hits and attack while moving.

- Target Selector: Ability to configure the priority of selecting targets for the script, in which your attacks and skills will be directed.

- DelaySetting: Fine-tuning the delays between cheat actions, allowing you to make your actions more natural and humane.

- Activator: Automatically performs certain actions for you, such as putting wards and knocking down castes on enemies.

- Combo: Uses skills to carry out combinations of attacks for you.

- Drawing: Visual functions, drawing on the screen of noticed wards, cd of enemies, attack radius of various units, movement of opponents on the minimap and many other little things.

- Tools: This tab contains additional settings for customization, such as choice of colors, transparency of menu items, and language selection.

- Config System: Allows you to save your settings in the config, so you don't have to adjust them every time. You can also share your configuration with other players, or use someone else's.

- Reliable Anti-Cheat Bypass: Our script is designed with security and protection against bans in mind. If you play carefully, the chance of a ban is minimal, especially at low ranks.

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